5 Steps to a Tidy Home

Is it time to refresh your home? Do your kids’ outdoor toys seem to be accumulating at a rapid pace? Is your suitcase still laying out from that vacation you took 2 weeks ago? Maybe you’re starting to think about summer activities or school supply shopping. Before you know it, school will be starting and then the holidays will be here. It’s crazy to think about, but don’t get overwhelmed! I’m here to give you the tips you need to keep your home organized and tidy as the seasons change.

An organized home is an organized mind. Dealing with physical clutter has a profound impact on mental clutter– I’m talking about those overwhelming thoughts and emotions we all feel sometimes! We live in a world that is constantly bombarding us with content and information that leaves us feeling overstimulated and unsteady. Living in a clean, clutter-free environment has been shown to increase productivity and allow for a greater sense of control. These tips will help you manage stress, build resilience, and increase your overall well being by taking control of your space.

Organize by Category, Not by Room.

Make sure all like items are stored together, so when you need those AAA batteries for a new toy or a certain cleaning supply after a spill, you know exactly where to go! Bonus: getting all of your like items in one place helps you identify what you really need– sometimes I find that I have too many of the same item! If I know exactly where all of my items are, it’s easy to see how much I have and I’m less likely to over-purchase. Pro-Tip: Everything needs a home and should always be put back after use.

Create a Cleaning Schedule.

Different cleaning tasks should be performed at different intervals. Find a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly routine that works for you. Put each task on your calendar to ensure it gets done, and make it fun! Consider creating a cute chore wheel for your kids or rewarding yourself when you complete each checklist with something you enjoy.

Declutter the Smart Way.

If you are unsure about whether or not you want/need an item, set it aside and store it. Decide on a specific timeline (90 days, 6 months, whatever works for you) and if you haven't opened the box or needed the item, give yourself permission to let it go. Consider donating it to your church or a local charity instead of just sending it to the thrift store!

Turn your Cluttered Closet into a Capsule Wardrobe.

A capsule wardrobe is a small collection of clothing and shoes (30-40 pieces) that can be put together in different ways to create outfits for your lifestyle. Curating your own capsule wardrobe not only helps you take back your mornings by being able to get ready faster, but you will also feel inspired and confident every time you get dressed. A wardrobe that is full of pieces you love and nothing you don't helps you identify your signature style– invest in high quality pieces that fit your lifestyle! Pro-Tip: Organize your capsule wardrobe by season. Declutter your closet by boxing up off-season clothes. When you need them and choose to unbox them, they will feel new again!

Find your “Enough.”

With all of those sales and enticing deals, it can be hard to say no to buying new things. So when will you know if you have enough stuff? It will take time, especially in a society that is always pushing us towards “more” and “better.” There will be trial and error. You will have to give yourself plenty of grace. Different seasons of life will require different things, but as long as you are pursuing only what is essential for you by living intentionally, you will be traveling in the right direction towards simplicity and peace. I like to abide by this mantra:

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Declutter & Organize: Clothing, Books, Papers, Sentimental Items, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Living Room, Garage, + More!

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27

Which tip do you find most helpful? Have tips of your own to share? Let’s chat!

Homemakers University creates home guides, Biblical art, and apparel that inspires homemakers to intentionally manage, style, and steward their spaces. Sadie Jean works to bring her love for God, minimalist design, and homemaking together through her modern designs.

HU proudly supports women who see their homes not just as spaces, but as their ministry.


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